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POWERgrass hybrid turf fieldPOWERgrass hybrid turf field



POWERgrass meets the needs of professionals and makes the pitch highly usable while significantly reducing maintenance costs so it becomes accessible to amateurs as well. It is possible to install POWERgrass™ and play safely wherever grass grows because it provides an ideal habitat for natural grass. The playing surface becomes more resistant to intensive play and resilient to climatic variations.

POWERgrass is a project of worldwide interest for both its health advantages and for being enviornmentally friendly.

Wherever natural grass growsWherever natural grass grows

In the post-Covid-19 period, care for health and the environment is driving investment in green solutions. Numerous municipalities and football clubs around the world have already built a pitch with POWERgrass™. Now the market has proof that the system offers numerous advantages over any other solution.

In Europe, POWERgrass is already installed in Italy, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, England, Ireland, Sweden, Russia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Malta.

In England, POWERgrass UK ltd was founded with our English partners who contributed to the development of the project. Graham Longdin, Jerry Anderson and Sean Goodwin have already had positive experiences with POWERgrass in 2017 and the results are amazing. In the summer of 2021 POWERgrass was installed in the stadium of Sutton United FC to replace the existing synthetic turf after the club qualified for the 4th professional level in the UK.

In the Middle East it is already installed in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. In Asia it is present in Kazakhstan and interest is strong from China, India, Korea and Japan. 

Year 2021 - POWERgrass G4 with the new ultra-resistant & resilient DX fibre

The Tony Bezzina Stadium inaugurated by the president FIFA 

  • Football and Rugby stadium PRO, MT | Hibernians Corradino, Paola
  • goalkeeper training area PRO, MT | Hibernians Corradino, Paola
  • Football stadium PRO, UK | Sutton United FC, Sutton
  • Football pitch UAE | RGS Dubai
  • 9-a-side football pitch UAE | NAS Dubai
  • concert green area MT | Ta' Qali

Years 2019 & 2020 - G4 with the new ultra-resistant fibre RYEfibre

  • Football stadium PRO, IT | Riviera delle Palme, San Benedetto del Tronto
  • Football pitch, IT | Cislago, Viale dello Sport (VA)
  • Football pitch Nr. 2, BG | Sofia
  • Football pitch Nr. 3, BG | Sofia
  • Football stadium PRO, KSA | Price Faisal Bin Fahd Stadium, Riyadh 

Year 2018 - the G4 with fibre welding using LC-HM technology

  • Football stadium PRO, HR | Slaven Belupo FC, Koprivnica
  • Football stadium PRO, HR | Inter Zapresic FC
  • Training pitch PRO, HR | Hajduk Split FC
  • Training pitch PRO, IT | Pordenone Calcio
  • Football stadium PRO G3, B | Freethiel Stadion, Waasland Beveren FC

Year 2017 - the G3 of POWERgrass™, high density, playable with or without natural grass

  • partial, goal mouth area PRO, ES | Barcelona
  • partial, 7 golf tees, IRL | Fossa - Killarney
  • partial, golf tee, S | Vasteras
  • partial, goal mouth area PRO, IT | Madrid
  • training area PRO, UK | Derby County
  • Football pitch, playable also without grass !!! UK | Bisham Abbey
  • Football pitch, playable also without grass !!! UK | Regent's Park, London
  • Football pitch, playable also without grass !!! IT | Lampedusa

Year 2016 - G3 upgrade playable with or without natural grass

  • partial, linesman area PRO, ES | Torrelavega
  • partial, linesman area PRO, ES | Bilbao
  • partial, linesman area PRO, ES | Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • partial, linesman area PRO, ES | Santander
  • partial, goal mouth area PRO, ES | Tordera, Barcelona
  • partial, goal mouth area PRO, ES | Barcelona
  • partial, goal mouth area PRO, IT | Città Sant'Angelo
  • Football pitch, playable also without grass !!! IT | Grosseto

Year 2015 - chasing G3 with warp-knitted backing

  • partial, golf tee, S | Bara
  • rugby training, UK | Northwood
  • partial, linesman area PRO, B | Tubize
  • partial, goal mouths PRO, ES | Valencia
  • trial area, B | Football Federation
  • Football pitch, IT | Castello del Matese

Year 2014 - G2 and the launch of the G3 with warp-knitted backing

  • stadium trail, RU | Mosca
  • G2, regular pitch, D | Geisfeld
  • G2, regular pitch, D | Beeskow
  • Football pitch, NL | Rotterdam Blijdorp
  • goal mouths area, NL | Rotterdam Nieuwkuijk

Year 2013 - launch of G2 with woven backing

  • Football pitch, NL | Rotterdam Alexandria
  • Football pitch, NL | Rotterdam Xerxes
  • Football pitch, LU | Mersch
  • partial, central axis, D | Hilgert
  • Football pitch, D | Grünwald
  • Football pitch, D | Sundern
  • Football pitch, D | Betzdorf
  • training area, D | Bochum
  • golf tees, D | Essen
  • golf tees, D | Dresden
  • training area, AT | Salzburg

Year 2012 - launch of G1 with double mesh backing, each coupled with geotextile

  • experimental field, D | Betzdorf
  • Football pitch, the first pilot field, IT | Verbania (VCO)
  • experimental field IT | Vertemate con Minoprio (CO)
  • training area, D | Mönchengladbach

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