An Innovative company & Experienced contractor
POWERgrassTM North America is looking to partner with experienced Suppliers, Contractors, Maintenance Contractors and associated professionals in the field to both install and maintain our POWERgrassTM fields.
Sports pitches made with POWERgrassTM are the most extraordinary innovation in the history of sports facilities because they are highly usable and safer for the health of the players. From the point of view of sports center management, POWERgrassTM has a positive environmental impact due to low-cost ecological maintenance and a long service life of more than 20 years. In addition, at the end of the 20-year period, there is no need to replace the synthetic reinforcement as it is sufficient to continue growing natural grass.
The innovative hybrid grass system
Each new customer undergoes training with experienced personnel until they have acquired the knowledge to care for and maintain their turf.